My good friend Arne Nielsen is running his 1:32 scale 16,5 mm gauge industrial railway to supply his standard gauge railway on the Danish Island of Langeland with firewood and oil. Occasional transports of building materials and machine parts are also known to be carried out on the little railway. Presumably the traffic is increasing as a new locomotive have arrived.
I have told stories from Langeland before.
Arne Nielsen's new Gmeinder in curry yellow and dirt. Photo: Arne Nielsen. |
Arne has invested in the
Feld Grossbahn 1:32 scale Gmeinder 10/12. The prototype was the smallest type in a standardised range of locos from the German manufacturer Gmeinder from the city of Mosbach. A few Gmeinders came to Denmark during the German occupation, as many German contractors arrived to build air fields and fortifications. See a range of
preserved Gmeinder locos here.
The model is made from metal and comparatively heavy for such a small model. Power pick up is from all four wheels and good pick up should be helped by the loco's three-point suspension. The motor is a Faulhaber and all bearings for wheels and driveline are fitted with ball bearings. The model is available as a ready to run-model, with or without decoder. When equipped for DCC sound and stay alive powerpack is included. Despite the small size of the model, Arne Nielsen notices that the sound produced is very convincing. Arne has described
his first impression of the model with his own words in Danish here.
Gmeinder with a short train of rebuilt Bachmann-skips. Sacks with Nystrup Gravel 'Multisand' are visible on the flat wagon. Photo: Arne Nielsen. |
The Feld Grossbahn model seen from the underside. The chain drive is clearly visible. Photo: Arne Nielsen. |
The body of the loco is made from metal and makes a very sturdy impression. The level of detail is good, several of the parts being made from etched metal. The model can be ordered finished in several livery options and can be bought weathered directly from the manufacturer.
The Gmeinder meets the narrow gauge railway's old locomotive, the ASOA Henschel DG26. A standard gauge train is making a brief stop at Broløkke halt in the background. Photo: Arne Nielsen. |
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