I'm currently waiting for parts for a loco project. For that reason most of what I model just now isn't on flanged steel wheels, but on rubber tires. Besides having finished my gas generator Citroën I'm building an unusual lorry. I have begun working on the double cab Ford belonging to haulage contractor Hansen.
Last summer I bought some resin parts from Brazil and they are now being united with a converted chassis from the ICM-kit of a Ford T917G.
The Citroën ready to receive the upper body. Painted Nemrod-figure and home made sack for fire wood on the back seat glued in place. Meanwhile the Ford lorry is having its Brazilian cab test fitted in the back ground. |
After assembling the gas generator with AC-glue it was painted medium grey and given a wash with heavily diluted brown oil paint. That served as foundation for the rest of the weathering. Due to unclear instructions I'm not sure I mounted the gas generator the proper way on the car's rear end. I couldn't find any useful info on this particular type of gas generator in my books or online.
The Citroën painted glossy black with chrome radiator grill and white visibility mud guards. |
After fitting the gas generator only the lengthened gas pipe to the engine needs to be fitted before windows are fitted and the model finished. |
A snap shot of the finished car. With white mud guards, gas generator but head lights without black out covers the car dates to immediately after the German occupation of Denmark. As such a little out of the time frame I normally model. |
Not all roads around Nystrup had a hard surface, so I gave the car some dust on the lower sides and wheels. |
A view of the rear mounted gas generator and lengthy gas pipe to the engine. I now have a narrow gauge loco, a tractor and a car mounted with gas generator. It could be fun having a lorry with a gas generator, too. |
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