The fence around Pedersens Maskinforretning (Pedersen's Machine Shop) is now finished. I dug out the remaining wood to finish it during the week. The three fence modules were primed in grey primer and treated with oil paint (rust and dark brown) and a steel brush when everything was dry. A quick and pretty acceptable result. It's not exactly Marcel Ackle-standards
(see his 'Feldbahn Kreuzt' diorama here), but it could be worse.
Now the fence is in place grass and bushes are beginning to spread on the module. |
With the fence in place the module is beginning to look like I wanted. With Nystrup Gravel's track passing between the brick wall and main building of Banke's Bakelite and the wooden fence of the small back yard of the machine shop. A little railway making its way through a small town's industries.
While the fence is still unpainted in this shot it was basically this kind of view I set out to produce on this module. A lot of work still has to done, though. |
Pedersen's Machine Shop undertook all sorts of jobs. Repairs on tractors made up a significant part of the work during certain parts of the year. Here an old Swedish made Volvo tractor with gas generator has found its way into the shop's backyard. |
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