Sunday, 16 August 2015

Experience Skip Trains on HVB August 30.

Most trains of skips these days are run on model railways. Full scale skip trains are mostly a thing of the past. At least in my part of the world. But Sunday August 30. Hedelands Veteranbane (HVB) is running special trains of skips between the Sunday's ordinary passenger traffic. That means two passenger trains and one train of skips on the line most of the day. Train crossings will be taking place at several stations along the line.

HVB M 12 with a train of skips. Some of them spilling a little of their content as they bump their way through the point. The skips are from Oldebjerg brick works (not that far from Nystrup, by the way!).
On Nystrup Gravel skip trains are the most usual type of train. Taking gravel from the pits in skips may not be among the most glorious train services performed in history, but it was what the railway was supposed to do and it did so reliably for many years with a minimum of cost.

Nystrup Gravel no. 8 with empty skips crossing the stream. These 1:35 scale skips are from Hesketh & Snoodyk.
The skip trains on HVB will run to a tight schedule to fit in between the passenger trains. Skip trains leave Hedehusgård station at 11.50, 14.05 and 16.05 and Rubjerg st. at 12.55 and 15.10. If you have had a plan to visit HVB August 30. will no doubt be an exiting day to do so. There is even a chartered extra passenger train running before the usual traffic starts. See info on how to come to HVB on the railway's website.

Shunting skips in a siding at HVB. It's not yet decided what locomotives will be doing service in the skip trains.

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