Having modelled industrial railways in 1:35 for more than a decade I have not grown accustomed to the luxury of having a selection of kits in the scale for neither locos nor wagons. Most of what pulls skips at Nystrup Gravel is more or less home made or cobbled together from a resin upper body and a drive unit that has been adapted to fit. The only exeption has been the kit of the Swedish Sala-loco currently undergoing maintenance and updating at my work table. I have accepted that without any problems as 1:35 is not a traditional railway modelling scale.
But now a new company has announced what looks like an extremely promising 1:35 kit of the Orenstein & Koppel MD2. And from my interpretation of the company's post on the FS32NG-group it seems it will be the first of a series of locos in 1:35. Something I never dared to hope for.
But now a new company has announced what looks like an extremely promising 1:35 kit of the Orenstein & Koppel MD2. And from my interpretation of the company's post on the FS32NG-group it seems it will be the first of a series of locos in 1:35. Something I never dared to hope for.
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Finshed MD2 with cab. Photo from Mark Hesketh. |
You can see more images of the model on the web site of the small company that makes the kit – Hesketh Scale Models. You will even be able to start planning the build of the model, as the instructions are online as PDF-files. A nice drawing of an MD2 can be seen on the Dutch website Industriespoor.
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