Well, not on Nystrup Gravel of course. 'My' other and much more important railway is in 1:1 scale (700 mm gauge) and needs a lot more work than a 1:35 railway. On Hedelands Veteran Railway (HVB) christmas trains run every weekend in December. Points and guard rails at road crossings needs to be cleared from snow. If not done properly there is a risk of derailing - and on a 1:1 railway that is far more serious than at home.
Sunny, blue sky and a nice cover of white snow. Clearing away snow in guard rails at a road crossing. |
Before the first train's departure I took off as part of a small team at 8 o´clock to clear the line. After the first ten minutes of work, you don't feel the cold anymore! We hadn't much time for the work as we had to clear the line for the first passenger train. Fortunately the snow was fresh and powdery and didn't take much effort to remove.
The sun rises above the hills around Hedeland and makes for some spectacular morning views. |
The working on a 1:1 museums railway gives a great sense of achieving something important together with likeminded enthusiasts - and providing great expiriences for all the visitors. And having a railway at hand to provide knowledge of how things work in reality gives great possibilities for a modeller to enhance the realism of the little railway at home. Consider if you could make a contribution to a heritage railway near you. You will make a lasting difference, meet great people and bring home lots of inspiration to your model railway.
Da 7 (Henschel 18449/1921) pulls out its string of wagons for the second departure of the day. Steam in a snow covered landscape is something quite special. |
Follow the christmas traffic on HVB through this
blog. It is updated 2-3 times a week in Danish language. For non-Scandinavians probably 'all greek' but the images says more than a thousands words.
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