Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Summer Disturbances

Occasionally my modelling hits a point where not much progress is made. I'm experiencing such a period just now. Loads of other tasks have prevented any actual modelling and the little time available has been spent on cleaning up and rearranging shelves and modelling table. 

Seconds to departure! HVB No. 3 (O&K 7459/1921) ready to bring a chartered special back to Hedehusgård Station. In track 2 dieselelectric M 24 waits for the steam train to clear track 1 permitting the diesel loco to run around its train. A day with chartered specials for three different customers.

Fortunately I'm not living a life without railway content, as my daytime job at a railway contractor and my primary hobby volunteering on the HVB vintage railway provides plenty of railway experiences. 

Modelling wise I have primarily been 'project managing' as I call it. Getting decals designed and ordered, parts aquired and projects planned. A good deal of time has also been spent 'armchair modelling' in a shady corner of the garden, as the summer in Denmark has so far been exeptionally sunny and dry.

I'm about to pick up work on my Series 1 Land Rover again. New decals for license plates have been ordered and once they are applied, there is basically only minor painting and weathering remaining. Perhaps a project for the holidays?

Friday, 9 June 2023

Scale in Blog Headlines

Having worked and blogged about my model of the Nystrup Gravel 600 mm narrow gauge gravel line in two different scales, I have spent a few minutes on a number of evenings to add the scale in all the posts with content in my old scale of 1/35. According to the statistics my old posts on 1/35 modelling still gets a surprising number of pageviews. I felt those readers needed more guidance to easily  navigate between posts with 1/35 and 1/19 scale content. 

Loco 78 on my 1/35 scale modular Nystrup Gravel layout. A 3D printed loco body mounted on an Australian motor bogie. Now residing on a German layout.

Almost 250 blog posts now have a note in the title clearly marking the scale as 1/35. Not a funny job, but something that had to be done at some point. The 1/35 marking in the title is backed up with a short notice in the right sidebar. 

Screenshot with 1/35 clearly marked in the title making it easy to identify the scale of the models.

Information on Nystrup Gravel's current 1/19 scale and the earlier 1/35 scale.

Hopefully the changes will make the blog a worthwhile visit for modellers in 1/35 scale even if my modelling in the scale is fast becoming 'historic'. At least it will make readers able to quickly recognize the scale.

Monday, 5 June 2023

Loading Three Hudson Skips

Over the course of a few days I have loaded my three U-tub Hudson skips. Using 5-10 minutes at a time it's quite fast to get decent loads in place. I now consider the skips finished.

Three loaded Hudson underground skips finished. Cheap 3D printed models that can be treated to look like something a lot more substantial.

The task of getting loads in the skips began in my shed where I store a supply of styrofoam in different thickness. I cut three rectangular pieces of differing height. Cutting the styrofoam was also done in the shed as small bits of styrofoam will invariably end up everywhere if cut inside the house. 

I glued the styrofoam inside the skips' tubs with white glue. Once dry I shaped the top of the styrofom to look like a load of ash or general waste from the workings of the gravel company. I added finely sieved gravel to the styrofoam shapes and used my usual glue mix of white lue, tap water and washing up liquid. The mix was applied with a syringe and once the gravel was flooded the skips were set away to dry. In one of the tubs I embedded some planks, in another some rags and a used paint tin. Once dry I further detailed the loads with some broken up concrete floor, paint and pastel powder and some branches.

Cutting styrofoam at the worktable in the shed.

Basic shapes of loads glued in the tubs ready for detailing.

One load is glued and painted while the glue still dries in the two skips to the left.

Weight naturally increased a bit with the gravel loads. The lead strip in the bottom of the tub and the light styrofoam filling ensures the skip isn't getting top heavy and unstable on rought track. A method I developed in my 1/35 scale modelling days.


Skips loaded with ash, broken up concrete floor, planks and dirt mixed with rags, branches and paint tins. No sorting of garbage and safe disposal in the 1950's. All Nystrup Gravel garbage was disposed off in emptied gravel pits.

The skips have made a fun, although slightly slower project than expected. The 3D printed kits are well made and with suitable modifications and treatment almost every sign of these being 3D printed models disappear.

I know I couldn't fool anyone, but it's fun experimenting with different techniques to make a photo of my models appear old at first glance. Practice makes perfect - or a little better, at least.